Package design - 2013
With the expansion of its ready-made food line (which now has pasta, lasagna and pizzas in
different flavors), Pif Paf demanded a new look. The redesign kept some very basic elements from the previous project (the yellow background and the logo position, for example) but corrected others, based in requests from the company's marketing sector - because Pif Paf needed to align these products in the same family, with similar elements, tasty images and practical communication.
Graphic design: Lucas Oriel, Marcello Caetano
Technology & production: Fabrizio Libânio
A complement was added to the Pif Paf logo to explicit the "ready" (pronto) and make it even more clear to consumers. Also, some glimpses of other possibilities in packaging were added to the concepts in the first stages of redesign. These illustrations show a little bit of the main project for the whole line of products of this company (which began with the Pif Paf Pronto line) that includes objectives such as padronization, strong visual presence and institutionality in many aspects, but also personalization and specific visual characteristics for each family of products.
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